

The yearly membership fee (dancer and non-dancer) is $35.00. ($25.00 through Dec 31.) There are three ways to register:

Registation (three options)

  1. Register online at Online Membership or
  2. Download a PDF Membership Form, fill it out, save it, print it and mail it along with a check made payable to "Hotlanta Squares" to: Hotlanta Squares, P.O. Box 15533, Atlanta, GA 30333 or
  3. Bring your printed membership form and cash or check to class, place them in the collection bag and note the payment on the sign-in sheet. If you are unable to fill out the online form, extra membership forms are also available during classes at the sign-in area.


Membership is not required to participate in classes, dances, or any other event sponsored by Hotlanta Squares.  In fact, we welcome and encourage everyone, regardless of their membership status, to attend all our events – the more the merrier!

With that said, we always welcome new members and we do encourage our graduates to become members after graduating the Basic/Mainstream class. Membership in Hotlanta Squares is open to anyone interested in all-position, modern western square dancing regardless of age, race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or sexual orientation in accordance with our Club ByLaws (Revised June, 2018).

Annual membership payments are due on January 1 of each year. Whenever any member has not paid his or her dues by February 1, the Board shall temporarily suspend that member’s membership privileges.

Membership will be offered for recent graduates of the mainstream class on a prorated basis.

Benefits of Membership

  • Allows members to vote in club elections and referendums
  • Provides funds for accidental medical insurance offered through United Square Dancers of America and liability insurance($4.45/club member)
  • Provides funds for enrollment in the International Association of Gay Square Dance Clubs ($1.00/club member)
  • Provides members reduced ticket prices for Open House Nights and Membership Dances
  • Provides funds for a 50% discount of first club logo embroidered vests
  • Provides funds for free snacks, food, and supplies for class nights and dances
  • Provides funds for the purchase of club equipment such as fans, speakers, banners, etc.
  • Provides funds for participating in the annual Pride Parade